Episode 87 - Deej Nutz and Joe Juhase

Episode 87 - Deej Nutz and Joe Juhase
My Gay Agenda

Deej (they/them) and Joe (he/him) chat with us about their upcoming show Coffee & Cocoa, the need for diversity in nightlife, and paying respect to our president Janelle Monáe. Jay quizzes us on queer icons that start with a D. This episode is all about second chances.

Coffee & Cocoa PayPal: https://paypal.me/pools/c/8xAM4wmExF

Coffee & Cocoa Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/DbXr7IxJ

Coffee & Cocoa Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/mxdeejnutz?desktop-redirect=true

Iconography: Janelle Monáe: https://fb.me/e/ZU4EfrPI